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under the sink clutter be gone!

Writer's picture: Tori CohenTori Cohen

Updated: Feb 11, 2019

Do you have a black hole under your kitchen sink filled with cleaning products? You’re not alone. Below you’ll find a 5-step process detailing how to banish that black hole and live a clutter free lifestyle underneath your kitchen sink.

1. Declutter – obviously! Take everything out and get rid of the items you no longer use. The 3 right-handed rubber gloves that look as though they belong to the crypt keeper, gone! The cleaning solution you no longer use because you went with a better option, do I even have to say it? Caveat: if you’re going through your cleaning supplies and you have a housekeeper, ask them what they use, don’t mess with their mojo.

2. Categorize – dish soap, dishwasher pods, and brillo pads all belong in the same category. And when you’re looking for something related to cleaning dishes, wouldn’t it be awesome if it was all in the same place? It’ll stop you from having to ask the question – do I have any ____________? The same goes for bathroom cleaning supplies, garbage bags of different sizes, etc.

3. Designate an area for excess – depending on the amount of space you have under the sink, choose an area to house the items you need but haven’t started using yet. This will stop you from using two bottles of Windex (or let’s be honest, three) at the same time. If the space is too cluttered, move the excess cleaning products elsewhere.

4. Product placement (pun intended) - My two favorite options for under the sink are: this Simple Housewear Under the Sink Rack and 2-Drawer Mesh Organizers. When it comes to under the sink, you have to contend with the pipes, which are awkwardly placed and often require specialty under the sink organizers. I like these because they both have ample space for your products. Make sure you measure before purchasing either product.

5. Replace – Put everything back in a way that makes sense. What does she mean, you ask? If you grab for a dishwasher pod every single day, it should be at the very front. And there shouldn’t be anything on top of it because you lift up the top to grab the pod. Your cleaning products that you use every week should also be accessible. The back is best used for products you rarely use – WD-40, the spray for when the dog has an accident (if that is rare), etc.

If you want to organize your home and don’t know where to start, this is a great option. Your cleaning products are not sentimental so you won’t get stopped up and having an organized under the sink area will be endlessly helpful. The most important thing to remember is that if there’s too much going on, you’re not going to see anything and you’re going to continuously overbuy.

Try my tips and tricks above and let me know how it goes! You can email me at and follow me on Instagram @toritheorganizer.


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